
LTC to XMR Instant Exchange with Lowest Fees

Exchange your LTC to XMR at current market rate 1 LTC≈0.5 XMR. The best rate is guaranteed among various services by our AI-driven system.

Use the price calculator to see how much Bitcoin you'll get. Just enter the amount in Tether, and our LTC to XMR converter will do the multiplication for you.

You will get a simple and seamless user experience without any annoying registration. Now, the exchange of crypto would be easy for you with our wide availability of more than 1,000 cryptocurrencies.

Do you need help? Follow our step-by-step guide and also watch our video tutorial on how to do it.



LTC Price24h % ChangeMarket Cap24h VolumeCirculating Supply
LTC Price :


24h % Change :


Market Cap :


24h Volume :


Circulating Supply :


XMR Price24h % ChangeMarket Cap24h VolumeCirculating Supply
XMR Price :


24h % Change :


Market Cap :


24h Volume :


Circulating Supply :



Price Changes







129.035 USDT

119.728 USDT

125.302 USDT

-7.213 %


129.035 USDT

100.678 USDT

109.091 USDT

18.922 %


138.383 USDT

94.897 USDT

114.899 USDT

17.630 %


139.981 USDT

75.270 USDT

109.226 USDT

59.066 %

LITECOIN to MONERO Price Details

Exchange LITECOIN to MONERO Instantly

You can exchange LITECOIN to MONERO instantly on Flashift without registrations. Exchanging LITECOIN to MONERO will be done in a couple of clicks, avoiding all the hassle with rates and fees. Flashift provides the Best Rate and Fixed Rate for LITECOIN to MONERO exchange.

LITECOIN to MONERO Best Rate Exchange

In such a conversion, including LITECOIN to MONERO, we survey different exchanges for the best available rate in the market for the chosen pair: LITECOIN-MONERO. Then, we give an estimation of the MONERO amount that you are going to receive.
Upon your acceptance of the terms and depositing LITECOIN, the exchange will be processed automatically.
Please note that the final amount of MONERO received may slightly vary due to the volatility in the price of the cryptocurrencies, which would be affecting the conversion rate of LITECOIN to MONERO.


How Flashift Works

Choose a Pair
Choose a Pair
step 1

Choose the cryptocurrencies you would like to exchange from the +300 different coins and tokens on the list. You can pick them from drop-down menus and type in the number of coins you would like to swap.

Select the best rate
Select the best rate
step 2

Choose the rate; we do the magic! Select the exchange service with the rate that meets your requirements and needs.

Transfer funds
Transfer funds
step 3

Send the exact amount to the address provided, and you will receive the crypto in your wallet within minutes. Don't you have a wallet yet? Our support will recommend you a good one!

Receive your coins
Receive your coins
step 4

You'll get your coins in a few minutes! Concerned about your transaction? Check the history tab or contact the support: [email protected]

Features and advantages

Flashift offers several features to enhance the user experience, including:

Aggregator Functionality
Aggregator Functionality

Flashift aggregates non-custodial crypto exchanges, consolidating information from various platforms into a single interface.

Cross-Blockchain Swapping
Cross-Blockchain Swapping

Users can swap cryptocurrencies across different blockchains, providing a unique capability not commonly found in traditional decentralized exchanges.

Token Swapping
Token Swapping

Flashift supports swapping more than one thousand tokens.

Comprehensive Rate Display
Comprehensive Rate Display

Flashift displays all its partners' floating and fixed exchange rates, and you can choose your prefer option.

Multi-Platform Compatibility
Multi-Platform Compatibility

As a web application, Flashift is accessible on various platforms, such as Android, iOS, Windows, and more, ensuring convenience for users across different devices.

Transaction Information
Transaction Information

Flashift provides detailed information about transactions, ensuring users have all the data they need for their swaps.

Uniform User Experience

Flashift has all its partner exchanges in one space, and you don't need to visit their sites.

Online Support
Online Support

Flashift experts are ready to answer all questions and problems of users 24/7.

No extra fees
No Extra Fees

Flashift does not charge additional commissions. So, there is no difference between swapping in Flashift apps and our partner exchanges.



Exchange went flawlessly from ETH to SOL, will definitely use this site again. Took about 4min in total.

Ramon Horatio
September 20, 2024

I had very good experience using Flashift and my transaction was done immediately. I loved it and i will use it in further swaps.

January 06, 2024

Fast and easy, and many choices to chose for swap.

wiez photo
July 07, 2024

Perfect with good support.

Hadi Crypto
March 26, 2024

Very good and trust with the best rate.

Sandy Kim
February 27, 2024


Other options to swap LITECOIN

Not looking to convert LTC to XMR? Choose any crypto pair and enjoy our generous rates, fast transactions, and precise exchange amounts!

We value your feedback and are here to assist you. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us with any questions, comments, or concerns. We'll do our best to respond promptly
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